Saturday 7 September 2013

Reminder - Worst Politics Blog Poll 2013

In a week's time the polls will close and the counting starts on the one vote that matters - the worst politics blogs the UK has to offer.

Just to recap:

* Rank order the five blogs you love to hate. Number one will get ten points, number two eight points, three six points, etc.

* Only one set of votes per person.

* No anonymous voting. Only votes with an ID, which may itself be an anonymous nom de pleume will get counted.

* Participants must nominate at least three blogs. Votes with less will be discounted.

* Votes can either be cast in the comments box or confidentially at hundredawfulblogs at

The vote ceases at 11:59pm on Saturday 14th September.

I know readers must be biting their nails in anticipation. Can Guido hold on to his cruddy crown or will it be knocked off his big, swollen head and scooped up by another? The fates are yet to reach a decision. There's still everything to play for!

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