
The End of the American Illusion
Two Points on the German Election
Explaining Insanity
The Limits of Trumpism
Bullshit and Bravado
Donald Trump's Expansionist Threats
Elon Musk's Attack on Philanthropy
The Farcical South Korean Coup
The Failure of the Democrats
The Insanity of American Politics
Emmanuel Macron's Cowardly Coalition
Bye Bye Biden
Political Violence and Hypocrisy
Upholding the Status Quo
Rishi Sunak in Israel
Why India is on the Moon
Ending the Bolsonaro Disaster
Capitalising on Roe Vs Wade
Four Points on the Australian Election
The Diminishing Authoritarian Centre
The Warning from France
The SPD's Unexpected Comeback
The Super League's Own Goal
The Pandemic Did Not Cause the Capitol Riot
Ten Points on Trump's Attempted Coup
Time for Muscular Liberalism
The Agonies of American Politics
Vote Biden, Vote Democrat
The Democrats and the Politics of Space
After Trump?
The Liberal Distate for Steve Bannon
Bourgeois Playgrounds
The Wrong Amazon is Burning
Bolsonaro and Authoritarian Populism
Hurrah for the Yellow Shirts?
Fascism Comes to Brazil
Ten Points About Brazilian Politics
10 Points on Russia and British Politics
The Sociology of Mass Shootings
Spiral and the Thin Blue Line
Does the EU Have a Death Wish?
What is Donald Trump?
Economic Anxiety and Donald Trump
Emmanuel Macron and Neoliberalism
Dutch Lessons for the Centre Left
Why Renzi Lost the Referendum
French Lessons for the Centre Left
Why Did We Call It Wrong?
Race, Class and Donald Trump
Vote Hillary, Vote Democrat
Banditry and Violence in the Ottoman Empire
Omar Mateen and American Culture

Donald Trump's "Liberal" Support
Is Donald Trump a Fascist?
Understanding China's Stock Market Collapse
Greece Votes No: What Now?
Notes on the Greek Crisis
Rachel Dolezal and Transracialism
The Mega Brothel and Legalising Prostitution
Saudi Arabia and the Economics of Hypocrisy
Ebola, Complacency, and Crisis
The Lure of German Capitalism
Glenn Beck on the Arizona Shootings

War and Terrorism
Pausing the Massacre
A Proxy and a Meat Sheild
A United Front for Barbarity
The Humbling of Vladimir Putin
Putin's Kherson Humiliation
Propaganda and Ukraine
The Main Enemy is at Home
" Making Sense of Nuclear Psychosis
A Case study in Decrepitude
Against Putin
The Politics of AUKUS
The Taliban and Self-Preservation
Afghanistan's Shadow
Top Gun
Thinking and Chewing Gum
Here Come the Cranks
The Grim Reality of Making Peace in Syria
Kim & Donald: A Love Story
Fisking Mark Wallace Fisking Young Labour
North Korea and Bad Faith
Donald Trump vs North Korea
Why Far Right Terrorism is on the Rise
Theresa May's Counter-Terrorism Shambles
Inside the Jihadi Mind
"Doing Something" about Syria
Learning from the Westminster Terror Attack
The Place of Religion in Peace and War
Notes on North Korea
Nuclear Nuance
Blair's Interventionism
Labour and Unilateral Nuclear Disarmament
21st Century Terrorism in Historical Context
The Anti-Imperialism of Fools
Simulating War Against Islamic State
After the Paris Attacks
Could Bombing Have Averted the Syrian Refugee Crisis?
Making Sense of North Korea
How Rambo Vs ISIS Could Be Very Good
Putin's Brinkmanship
Je Suis Charlie and Hypocrisy
What Makes Someone Murder Cartoonists?
Nazi Megastructures

Bombing ISIS: A Question
Why Islamic State Kills Hostages
On Bombing ISIS
Why the Great War Was Not Stopped
When Genocide is Permissible
Does Israel "Cause" Anti-Semitism?
Why Was the Malaysian Airliner Shot Down?
The Iraq Debacle
Ukraine: A Thought Experiment
What's the End Game for Ukraine?
Ukraine and the Threat of War
Niall Ferguson's Alternate Great War
Poppy Conformity
Syria: Three Questions for Vince Cable
Syria: After the Commons Defeat
Syria: The Path to Hell
North Korea and the Drums of War
February 15th, 2003
Remembering Stalingrad
How Do You Solve a Problem Like Korea?
No to War Against North Korea

The Death of a Dictatorship
Cheering State Thuggery in Belarus
The End of Stalinism
Hailing and Heeding Red October
Taking Sides on Venezuela
Farewell Fidel
Syriza's Interesting Allies
Syriza and Us
Cuba After the Blockade
Nigel Farage on Invading Imperial Germany

A Note on the Ukrainian Revolution
Mandela the Revolutionary
Egypt's Day of Terror
Early Soviet Diplomacy
Egypt: Why Morsi Fell
Statement of the Revolutionary Socialists of Egypt
Egypt: Revolution, Democracy and Stability
Egypt's Day of Rage
Tunisia: A Domino Falls
The Iranian Revolution
Bolivia and Revolution
Chile: Reform and Revolution
The French Revolution
Remembering May '68
Venezuela and Socialism
Debating the Russian Revolution