On the Road to Somewhere
After the Child Benefit Rebellion
Building a Left Electoral Insurgency
Left of Labour General Election Results 2024
The Far Left and the 2024 General Election
Whither the Workers' Party of Britain
Politics after George Galloway's Victory
On the Fazakerley East By-Election
Along Comes Another New Left Wing Party
The Prospects of a Corbyn-Led Left Party
Revolutionary Deflation
From Comrade to Renegade
Expelling the AWL
Freelancing for Putin
Jeremy Corbyn's Prospective New Party
Meet the New Left Challengers
Whither the Northern Independence Party?
George Galloway: I'm Voting Tory
The Far Left Vs Starmerism
The Far Left in the 2020s
The Far Left's 2019 General Election Results
The Far Left and the 2019 General Election
The Alt-Left: A Critical Appreciation
2017 Far Left UK General Election Results
Far Left Candidates at the 2017 General Election
The Far Left and the 2017 General Election
Momentum is Nothing Like Militant
Against Entryism
Far Left UK General Election 2015 Results
15 Years of the UK Left Network
On the Far Left's General Election Campaign
The Far Left and the 2015 General Election
British Trotskyism on the Paris Terror Attacks
British Trotskyism and Scottish Independence (10/09/14)
Read This Book: Against The Grain (23/06/14)
No2EU and Far Left European Election Results (26/05/14)
Sectarianism and the Far Left (15/03/14)
The Far Left's Prospects in 2014 (02/01/14)
The Far Left and Revolutionary Identity Politics (27/11/13)
The Left and Islamism (01/07/13)
The Far Left and the Media (02/03/13)
Is a 'Left UKIP' Possible? (25/01/13)
In Praise of the Far Left (12/10/10)
Initial Problems with the Anti-Cuts Movement (24/08/10)
The Far Left After the Election (09/05/10)
Far Left 2010 UK Election Results (07/05/10)
Left Unity
The Left Unity Masturbation at Work Debate
Left Unity One Year On
Left Unity and the Labour Movement (29/03/14)
Whither Left Unity? (30/11/13)
The Return of George Galloway
George Galloway and Respect (15/08/13)
A Quick Note on Ed Miliband and George Galloway (21/04/13)
No Platform for Israelis (21/02/13)
Galloway's 1970s Porn Voice Over Campaign Ad (08/11/12)
Socialist Party/Militant/TUSC
What is the Point of TUSC?
The RMT Leaves TUSC
The Socialist Party/Galloway Love-In
Obsolete Politics and the Socialist Party Split
Enemies to the Left
Corbynism and the Socialist Party
Sectarianism, TUSC, and Jeremy Corbyn
Paul Mason Vs Peter Taaffe
The Worst Election Result Ever
The Socialist Party's Erratic Marxism
Labour vs The Militant Tendency
TUSC's Exercises in Self-Deception (02/06/14)
Revisiting No2EU (17/05/14)
Ted Grant and Trotskyism (05/09/13)
Splits and the Socialist Party (06/08/13)
Another Anti-Cuts Campaign Launched (23/01/11)
Whither the Campaign for a New Workers' Party? (03/09/10)
Can a New Workers' Party Emerge? (28/02/10)
Why I Resigned from the Socialist Party (16/02/10)
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition: Prospects (15/01/10)
Socialist Workers Party
The SWP's Split on Tyneside
The SWP's Split from TUSC
SWP Statement on the IS List
SWP Bullies London Black Revolutionaries
The SWP and Uniting the Left (28/10/14)
The SWP's Moral Vacuity (11/07/14)
A Defence of the SWP (10/04/14)
'Comrade X' Resigns (15/12/13)
The Depravity of the SWP (30/10/13)
Martin Smith Resigns (20/07/13)
Sexism and the Abuse of Power in the SWP (18/03/13)
A Short Obituary (10/03/13)
The Lynch Mob 500: Signatories Supporting the Central Committee's Handling of the Delta Case (15/02/13)
The End is Nigh (10/02/13)
Where Now for the SWP? (13/01/13)
SWP, Rape, and Revolutionary Justice (09/01/13)
Life on the Revolutionary Treadmill (05/01/13)
Chris Bambery Resigns (11/04/11)
Sally Hunt Vs the SWP (06/01/11)
Norwich SWP Resignations (14/10/10)
Doncaster SWP: Why We Resigned (11/07/10)
SWP Split: What Now? (11/02/10)
Lindsey German Resigns from the SWP! (10/02/10)
The Main Enemy is at Home
Misogyny at the Morning Star? (17/08/14)
Expelling Gerry Downing
Jog On, Tommy
Socialist Appeal's Scottish Turn (07/11/14)
Owen Jones is Worse Than Hitler (09/07/13)
The Break-Up of the WRP (31/01/13)
Tommy Sheridan Sentenced to Three Years (26/01/11)
Tommy Sheridan: Tragedy and Farce (23/12/10)
10 Years of the UK Left Network (26/04/10)
Here Come the Bolsheviks (26/04/09)
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