Sunday 17 December 2023

This Here Blog

It's been a quiet time in this corner of the internet lately. The continuous stream of posts have stopped. The rapid succession of takes on the latest Tory traumas, or the slippery emptiness of Starmerism have not arrived with their customary rapidity. And there's a very simple reason for it. I cannot write at the pace that has sustained this place for most of its existence any more. It's not only tiring having to wade through the same politics bullshit day after day and then spend a couple of hours most evenings fashioning something coherent to say. It's trying, and I've had more than enough of my fill.

This site started out as a few musings about the experience of doing a PhD, and quickly moved into offering commentary on politics and culture from a critically-minded Trot point of view. The blog built a following during the fag end of the Blair/Brown years, and after an 18 month hiatus came back as a soft left partisan of Labour loyalism. And it stayed that way until experiencing the pathetic, treacherous politics of the Labour right while reading (well after publication) Hardt and Negri's Empire trilogy. These effectively re-radicalised me and gave my writing an energy and a clear sightedness that saw me all the way through to the beginning of this year. It was then the compulsion to keep going started fading, as hinted at previously. And sadly, as the year comes to a close I've reluctantly concluded I don't have the energy to maintain this as I have. Other things need attention, like finding the head space for the work projects on my plate, thinking about the research I want to do, keeping up with sociology of power/politics literature, and finding time for living a life and doing other things.

Now what? It's probably going to return to what it meant to be in the first place - an occasional sounding board. A place for jottings, a place for pinning up pieces published elsewhere, a place for rarer longer screeds not immediately about politics and, yes, a place again for regular posting if the mood occasions and situation demands. We're now entering the long afternoon of the blog's existence, and one led at a leisurely pace. I'm not shutting up shop. The blog isn't going into retirement. But it will spend more time reclining on the sun lounger taking in a good book, occasionally casting an eye over the scene, and muttering to anyone who'll listen about the poolside goings-ons.


Andy Polshaw said...

I’d like but don’t get the option😂 Look after yourself and do what you can when you can and have the inclination. That’s all anyone can ask.

David said...

Grateful or everything you have to offer Phil; I do not always agree but you always make me think and, occasionally, hope.

Duncan said...

Thank you for your blogging over the years. It has been my very first go-to for a deep dive take on the latest political events. Your book - 'The Party's Over' - is excellent, and I promote it comments discussing electoral politics in various places (such as Richard Murphy's excellent website) as your take (in that the Tories are unlikely to recover after a potential defeat in their current form) is a rare one in the field.
Enjoy your rest and thanks again.

Anonymous said...

A list of alternative sources for commentary as incisive as yours (or nearly so) would be appreciated...

Maria said...

Thanks for all your insight and analysis over the years. It's such a huge commitment and, I imagine, largely thankless. I will miss your words but I don't blame you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Phil. As many others I have much enjoyed reading over the years. I look forward to future insights.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Phil. Sorry I've never been in a situation to commit to your patreon. Look forward to your future posts, good luck ✊🏻

TowerBridge said...


I come here regularly to read your take, it is of much higher quality than many of the others I read, including the FT.

If you write anything more, I'll read it. I bought (and read) your book too so it's not been for nothing!


Kriss said...

Good. I've been worrying that you might be burning out with the sheer pace and volume of the writing you produce. Look forward to continuing to read your writing, a little less frequently.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the effort you've put in on this blog over the years, especially for the insider's view of the Labour Party.

Phil said...

Thanks everyone.

I'm going to experiment with some very short pieces as well to see how they go!

Martyn said...

Thanks for all the posts, a very useful body of work.

Anonymous said...

Yes, agree or disagree you have (almost) always been worth reading.

And sometime in 2024 we will - finally! - enter an election campaign; I am sure the temptation to write some politics stuff will simply be too great to resist :)

Take care, and thank you for everything you have done.

Anonymous said...

I've always found your blog very interesting and illuminating over the years, its shame you'll be posting less but of course understandable. I look forward to what you have in the future. All the best

-Ben G

Anonymous said...

Thank you Phil you write some great stuff. Agree or not- always worth reading.

Hope we get a few bits more.

Zoltan Jorovic said...

A sad day. It has always been worth reading this blog. It has made me think and question, and develop ideas too. I bought your book as a result, so it has had a certain marketing value. I doubt I'd have heard of it let alone bought it without having read your stuff here. You deserve a wider audience so I hope at least some of the time gained is used to produce commentary for general consumption.

Thanks for your efforts!

Anonymous said...

I’ve loyally followed this blog to such an extent I’m probably owed nectar points. A more sedate place is the least you deserve

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the analysis always a worthwhile read.

Jay said...

It's been a wonderful blog and you absolutely deserve to run it at whatever pace you see fit. I'll still be checking in. Thanks so much for your contributions and making me think.

I do worry where Blissex will be able to post their common "It's house prices, stupid!" refrain, and will miss the commentary from other regulars on here!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for all your posts over the years, Phil. I've been reading the blog for about three years now and you always give me something to think about. Sounds wise to slow the pace and take care of yourself. Looking forward to whatever inspires your writing in future.

Anonymous said...

Hang on... have you been hired to a think tank, or other wonk post...?

Anonymous said...

Over the years always good reading.

Anonymous said...

Yours and Stumbling and Mumbling were the main two blogs I followed for politics

Anonymous said...

If I'm not too late, your blog, Phil, is a real contribution to the movement. Insofar that you want to change the world, start here - in your blog.