In the law laid down to constituency officers, the recommendations of the EHRC report itself are ruled not competent business. To even suggest an independent complaints process might not be a good idea is, according to the mood music coming from the top, evidence of not "getting real". A mite embarrassing when, in his contribution to the JLM conference, Peter Mandelson himself criticised the report's recommendation for an independent complaints process. To quote LabourList's Sienna Rodgers, she reports "I’m worried about one thing. That is this recommended approach by the EHRC of an independent process." He says the NEC should "take ownership" of process and "an independent process can’t do that." Unfortunate, but unlikely he'll receive a gentle phone call from the dear leader about what the line is.
Mandelson is right to be concerned. The introduction of an independent process is a thin end of a wedge. But first a bit of history. Throughout the labour movement's existence, the party and the unions have been wary of court intervention into their affairs. In more recent times the 1980s and 1990s saw legally enforced assaults on workers' organisations, with stringent rules applied to the regulation of labour and what unions can and can't do. These weren't about "cleaning up" the unions (still some way to go), though they did have the knock-on effect of ensuring union money moving into politics was the most tightly scrutinised and therefore the cleanest money there is. No, these measures were about tying unions up to make them less effective in disputes. If the efficacy isn't present, what's the point? Sustained membership decline over decades was partly thanks to the legalistic chains thrown around our organising capacity.
This suspicion toward the uses of the law goes back to the very founding of the labour movement, how early organisers were harassed, arrested, imprisoned, and transported has left a cultural legacy of institutional independence, of our movement's mindedness to sort its own affairs and generate its own forms of sovereignty, up to and including dispute resolution. This attitude persists on the left, considering its fidelity to a broad understanding of class and class power. And it has persisted on the right because it confers them a free hand. If they control the leadership body of the organisation they're ensconced in, they are, effectively, the law within that institutional space. For different reasons, left and right have a common interest in keeping the movement's governance structures independent of outside oversight.
This mutual understanding came undone early in the Corbyn years. In July 2016 following the parliamentary party's first rebellion against the membership, former party candidate Michael Foster took Labour to court against the NEC's decision to allow Jeremy Corbyn to defend his leadership without having to go through the PLP nomination process. His argument relied on uncertain words in the rule book, which the NEC subsequently clarified in its ruling giving a Corbyn defence the green light. The challenge was always going to be a hiding to nothing, and his legal counsel duly relieved him of thousands of pounds for a no-hope case. But the taboo was broken. Subsequently a group of members took legal action against the party for the rules the NEC placed on voting members and the suppoerter category for the second leadership contest between Corbyn and Owen Smith - their initial success was overturned at the Court of Appeal and the NEC's decision upheld. In both cases the NEC acted within the competencies conferred upon it by the rule book, nor had acted unlawfully and so its decisions stood. Yet one thing that went virtually unnoticed at the time was the activity of our friend Tom Watson. While most of the PLP were hoping and praying for Foster's success, the then Deputy Leader publicly opposed court action. He defended the principle of party sovereignty and autonomy. You see, he understood how central this was to any future consolidation of power by the Labour right.
Fast forward to the last couple of years, the demand for an "independent" complaints process shows how little the current Labour right understand themselves and the conditions most conducive to their factional operation. During the 1980s, the right's hold on the NEC and party machinery, and not forgetting the crucial institutional backing of the trade union apparat, meant hundreds of leftists - mostly, but not entirely Militant supporters - were slung out the party without any pretence to even-handedness or natural justice. It's all there, lovingly documented in John Golding's The Hammer of the Left. In 2020, the right's power is not what it was. Major unions are not in their pockets, and if Unison elects a left candidate for Genereal Secretary they won't be able to rely on them either. A substantial proportion of the membership are rebellious, but, crucially, the right have boxed themselves into a corner. Angela Rayner might talk tough to the rightwingers who fill out the JLM's membership, but under existing arrangements she has no formal power to expel anyone. And both she and Keir Starmer are now compelled by the EHRC - and their own repeated promises - to hand that power away.
Why does this matter? One should not be naive about "independent processes", their character, and their political content, but it does introduce a new dynamic into proceedings. The expulsion demands Labour MPs have raised over the years are already, according to the EHRC, a politicisation of the complaints process and therefore unwelcome. By instituting an outside semi-judicial body, this can no longer happen. Second, as a formally independent body it will adjudicate on the basis of party rules but will necessarily draw on wider legislation on racism, harassment, and discriminatory practice when determing the outcomes of complaints. It will also be expected to operate on the basis of natural justice, otherwise its decisions are even more open to legal challenge by "defendants". And, crucially, the independent panel is not subordinate to Labour's NEC. This is where the problems lie for the Labour right. Mandelson fears such a process because it introduces the rule of law into the party. Frame ups become harder to manage if hard evidence is required. Getting rid of inconvenients and annoyances is tougher if one can't cook the panel beforehand. And where does it stop? Are the party's hideous working practices under threat? And what about the pervasive stitch up culture when it comes to candidate selections?
This is why Mandelson is worried. Not out of any principled reason. He broke ranks with the party's establishment because he knows what the score is. He was there in the 1980s and understands where the power bases of the right are, and how it should be exercised. Therefore to see his epigoni, whose formative years were not conditioned by a struggle with the left, forget all the lessons he learned by willingly giving away a lynchpin of their institutional power must be mind-boggling and infuriating. It repesents an unnecessary weakening of their capacity to run the party as they see fit, and it must gall to see them not just welcoming it, but arguing for it. It's too late to backtrack now. Wouldn't it be funny if the consequence of anti-Corbyn agitation turns out to be a new set up making shadowy, secretive, factional politics that much more difficult?
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Very informative and detailed account. Thank-you.
"Wouldn't it be funny if the consequence of anti-Corbyn agitation turns out to be a new set up making shadowy, secretive, factional politics that much more difficult?"
Hopefully yes but not if it's anything like the EHRC.
The EHRC has served an Unlawful Act Notice on the Labour Party. The Labour Party has until 5.00pm on 10th December to provide the EHRC with the first draft of an Action Plan which implements the EHRC report’s recommendations. The EHRC gets to decide whether (the first draft of) the Action Plan is adequate. Not the Labour Party. Not a CLP. If the draft plan is not adequate, or not provided, the EHRC can initiate legal proceedings. That really doesn’t leave much room for debate.
Hey Labour!
Been thinking there might be a better way?
Tickets going rapidly.
Alan Story for GET PR DONE!
Well surely this is completely straightforward. The EHRC and other independent bodies are the experts in this matter. What could possibly be the objection to allowing independent experts to determine critical aspects of Labour Party process?
Funny isn't it, how when you have skin in the game, you notice that those 'independent experts' aren't independent but have vested interest in increasing their own personal power and agency? And their expertise appears not to include asking the kind of obvious question you think would be the first anyone with any knowledge would ask.
But then I'm a Tory Brexiteer, and I had enough of 'experts' years ago.
"he EHRC report’s recommendations. The EHRC gets to decide whether (the first draft of) the Action Plan is adequate. Not the Labour Party. Not a CLP. If the draft plan is not adequate, or not provided, the EHRC can initiate legal proceedings. That really doesn’t leave much room for debate."
Well, what a good job, we didn't have to rely on Jim and the AWL, when the bourgeois state got involved in telling unions what they could and couldn't do, and how they should organise themselves internally. When the Industrial Relations Court got involved in jailing trades unionists, according to Jim and the AWL's new approach, there should have been no room for discussion, no room for activists to organise against such intervention by the bourgeois state in the affairs of the labour movement, we should have all rolled over and waited for our tummy to be tickled!
Boffy: I should have thought that even you can understand the difference between the IRAct and Equalities legislation!
But -strangely - you do have a semi-point: the logic of what a lot of the bleating from Corbynistas, the Morning Star and the likes of JVL is that the Labour Party should simply defy equalities legislation, but most of these people don't have the guts to actually argue for this openly.
What is the same about the Industrial Relations Act and Equalities Legislation is where both replace the independence of the working-class - you know that central thing that Third Campers claim distinguishes them from the rest of the Left, but which actually always ends up with them supporting some bourgeois camp as cheerleaders - with a reliance upon or acknowledgement of the role of the capitalist state.
But, then given that the AWL openly argues for reliance on the capitalist state to intervene against workers enemies in other countries, other than where those enemies are themselves in the camp of "democratic imperialism", and which now even opposes simple bourgeois-democratic demands for defunding the police, and instead defends the role of the capitalist police force, even as it is engaged in widespread racist attacks on communities, your argument is at least consistent with the collapse of your politics into bourgeois liberalism, moving rapidly rightwards from there.
The logic of your position is that these capitalist state bodies should be able to look in detail into the activities of the AWL, perhaps they would wait until some big strike was taking place, and then declare that your own practices of democratic centralism, of expelling members who disagree with the party line, of censoring comments that you don't like, or even of refusing to accept Tories into your organisation breached some principle of equality.
Its not that Marxists are in favour of ignoring equalities legislation, but that any real Marxist as opposed to the bourgeois liberals of the AWL, does not believe that !equality" is something that can be legislated into existence, and certainly not legislated into existence by our main enemy the capitalist state. Rather it has to be fought for and won, by an independent working-class, a principle that clearly you and the AWL abandoned a very long time ago.
'The logic of your position is that these capitalist state bodies should be able to look in detail into the activities of the AWL, perhaps they would wait until some big strike was taking place, and then declare that your own practices of democratic centralism, of expelling members who disagree with the party line, of censoring comments that you don't like, or even of refusing to accept Tories into your organisation breached some principle of equality.'
The AWL don't accept Tories! Is this a new policy?
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