As you can see, audience numbers have remained slow and steady over the course of the last 12 months but significantly increased last month (ignore the September-October page views spike, that was the result of a zombie computer that visited the blog every 17 seconds on selected days). The numbers for January 2009 were 12,276 page loads, 9,041 visitors and 1,929 returning. This last month the figures were 19,907, 14,972 and 3,198 respectively. Not massive by any means, but good enough!
The stats were undoubtedly boosted by a few posts that brought new readers in. They were these thoughts on socialist blogging; this reflection on the ideas of the late radical feminist theologian/philosopher, Mary Daly; a critical look at the Trade Union and Socialist Coalition; and lastly my report on the anti-English Defence League protest in Stoke.
How long will it be before the blog sees this kind of audience again? Time will tell.
I have also seen a recent spike in my viewers, admittedly on a much smaller scale and braking the 100 mark for 1 post.
I think it is largely attributed to reading your previous post on building a blog audeience.
The post which got so much attention was report from the Socialist Party Wales conference and was the first report out. I posted a link of Facebook and naturally it attracted the attention of CWI members, but I think the spike in readers can also be attributed to the fact that in the last fews days I have been posting all over the Welsh political blogging scene and it seems to be begining to pay off
It was all the racists coming to spew their guts all over your blog, you know how obsessive they can be...
It does Glyn. Building that initial audience is crucial. If you're not Oxbridge-educated and have no media friends who can give you a leg up, self-promotion has to be the order of the day.
Daniel, I do indeed. I still get a trickle from the EDL's forum now. I don't mind them hanging around as long as they behave themselves. They might learn something that challenges their victim mentality.
I doubt it but nice to try.
Hey, I'm Oxbridge educated, and I didn't get a leg up from anyone I went to university with!
That's what you want us to believe! ;)
OK Now I'm jealous lol I would feel amazed receiving 10% of those stats. Well done!
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