Tuesday 1 November 2016

Five Most Popular Posts for October

The most read posts last month were:

1. Jeremy Corbyn and the SWP
2. Understanding Jeremy Corbyn's Reshuffle
3. Theresa May: Brexit Means Wrexit
4. Theresa May and Thatcherism
5. The Woolfe was on the Floor

Critical Corbyn Studies, the Tories, and UKIP make the cut this month. Which is hardly surprising as that's pretty much all I've written about. Bringing together Jeremy Corbyn and the SWP was always going to add significantly to the audience figures. And indeed it did, giving this blog its biggest single day of visits since this dreary piece went viral a few years ago. That helped me to my fourth best monthly page views ever, so no complaints.

In posts you may have missed is this case in support for Suzanne Evans for UKIP leader. Outdated because Raheem Kassam showed his mettle and pulled out, it nevertheless diagnoses the two roads facing the purple party.

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