Monday 23 June 2014

Read This Book: Against the Grain

This edited collection by Evan Smith and Matthew Worley is launched tonight in London. More details here. The discussion, 'Revolutionary force or pressure group? The role of the British far left in British politics since 1956' certainly sounds very interesting. I wish I could have been there.

Below is the list of contents, which is a veritable smorgasbord of left trainspotterly goodness. The bloke who wrote chapter four sounds familiar too.

AGAINST THE GRAIN: THE BRITISH FAR LEFT FROM 1956 (Manchester University Press, 2014)

Evan Smith & Matthew Worley (eds)

Introduction: the far left in Britain from 1956

Evan Smith and Matthew Worley

Part I Movements

1 Engaging with Trotsky: the influence of Trotskyism in Britain

John Callaghan

2 The New Left: beyond Stalinism and social democracy?

Paul Blackledge

3 Narratives of radical lives: the roots of 1960s activism and the making of the British left

Celia Hughes

4 Marching separately, seldom together: the political history of two principal trends in British Trotskyism, 1945–2009

Phil Burton-Cartledge

5 Opposition in slow motion: the CPGB’s ‘anti-revisionists’ in the 1960s and 1970s

Lawrence Parker

6 Dissent from dissent: the ‘Smith/Party’ Group in the 1970s CPGB

Andrew Pearmain

7 British anarchism in the era of Thatcherism

Rich Cross

Part II Issues

8 Jam tomorrow? Socialist women and Women’s Liberation, 1968–82: an oral history approach

Sue Bruley

9 Something new under the sun: the revolutionary left and gay politics

Graham Willett

10 ‘Vicarious pleasure’? The British far left and the third world, 1956–79

Ian Birchall

11 Anti-racism and the socialist left, 1968–79

Satnam Virdee

12 Red Action – left-wing pariah: Some observations regarding ideological apostasy and the discourse of proletarian resistance

Mark Hayes

13 Anti-fascism in Britain, 1997–2012

David Renton


Phil said...

When I was Culture Editor at Red Pepper I had to write these tiny little 100-word pieces bigging up some magazine or film or happening or whatever. Mostly nobody paid much attention to them (even the readers, I suspect). The only time one of them got the red pencil was the month when I plugged Red Action (the well-known newspaper). As the man says, they really were a social piranha.

Phil said...

I'm impressed they had a culture editor!

Speedy said...

When i was in my 20s i can remember thinking - red action. cool.

Jihad really is that simple.