Sunday, 1 September 2024

Five Most Popular Posts in August

Considering I wasn't blogging like the clappers last month, audience-wise this place did quite well. More of the same please! Here's what did the wellest among the well.

1. Why Does Labour Hate Universities?
2. Keir Starmer's Reluctant Anti-Fascism
3. The Defence of Douglas Murray
4. Rachel Reeves's PFI Enthusiasm
5. Coddling the Far Right

The refusal of Labour to do anything about the crisis in British universities came out on top. What are they thinking? Why has it said they're relaxed about seeing some institutions go under? In at two was a consideration of Keir Starmer's strategy at the beginning of the month in putting down the far right riots and banging up participants. Note that the instigators, without which none of it would have been possible, haven't been held to account. Speaking of one of them, the pathetic arguments mustered in defence of Douglas Murray's respectable racism came under scrutiny in August's third placed post. And finishing it off, Rachel Reeves's resort to wasteful but capital-friendly PFI-style schemes for insfrastructure and the Tories' (remember them?) indulgence of far right argumnents make up the final two.

Thinking of who to wheel out on the in-case-you-missed-it cart, it's the Chancellor again and her not-at-all clever political strategy informing her warnings about a "painful" budget, and let's be having something else about the Tories. This one looks at our leadership candidates' divided responses to the racist riots.

Thinking ahead for this month, perhaps I'll get round to writing about science fiction again. But I can see pieces on the Tory leadership contest, Labour's governing strategy, scrapping Winter Fuel Allowance, and sundry other things that events throw up. As ever, if you haven't already don't forget to follow the occasional newsletter, and if you like what I do (and you're not skint), you can help support the blog. Following me on Twitter and Facebook are cost-free ways of showing your backing for this corner of the internet.

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1 comment:

"Big Balls" Starmer said...

Vote "Labour" for hungry children, genocide, slum landlordism, and hypothermic pensioners. We can't allow the Tories to sneak back in!