Friday 3 April 2009

Youth Fight For Jobs March

Protests may have been drowned out by the triumphalist brouhaha in yesterday's media, but a number of actions did take place around London against the G20. Louise has a batch of images and reports here and here.

It was also yesterday that the Socialist Party-backed campaign, Youth Fight For Jobs took to the streets. Unfortunately it appears no reports have appeared on the web yet, save this nine minute film posted on the SP website. Looks like an excellent day was had by all, so well done to all comrades who bust a gut organising this.

It would be remiss to not give a mention to the YFFJ inaugural conference taking place on Saturday 9th May.

Youth Fight for Jobs conference
Saturday 9 May

Cruciform, Lecture Theatre 1, University College London (UCL), London WC1E 6BT. Near Euston and Warren Street tube and rail stations
10-11am - registration
11-12.30pm - opening rally

Speakers include Bob Crow, RMT general secretary; Tracy Edwards, PCS young members network; and activists from the campaign.
12.30-1.30pm - lunch
1.30-3pm - workshops

Topics include: current workplace struggles to save jobs; organising the YFFJ campaign; the politicians' reaction to the crisis; and defending your rights at work.
3-3.30pm - what way forward for the campaign?

Discussion, resolutions & voting.
3:30-4:30pm - closing rally.

Speakers include Sean Figg, Youth Fight for Jobs national organiser, activists from Greece, and more...


Anonymous said...

As an unemployed young person, I am delighted that this is taking place. I will be there!

Dominic said...

I was there! This was a very inspiring march as the vid shows, I chatted to a young man who had been unemployed for a year, seen the march go past and decide to join it! There were many other examples like that along with many youth as well, including a group of lads from Tower Hamlets who were welcomed with a cheer. Then there were workers appaluding us, some even came out of their workplaces to appalud us as we marched past, I'm sure we can build this campaign into something significent if we put the work in

Phil said...

The march looked excellent from the flick. Definitely a very promising beginning for the YFFJ campaign. It's the right initiative at the right time.

Anonymous said...

verrryyyyy loooonnnnggggg mmmaaarrrrccchhh

Anonymous said...

getting 500 or so on this march is very good, so well done. shame not much press attention but a good start to the campaign anyway.


red snapper said...

Was brilliant demo, well done comrades! Uploaded pix up on my facebook profile so if you're one of my FB friends, take a look.