Friday, 13 December 2024

A Sandwich Short of a Picnic

Of all the things to command politics attention on Thursday, it was Kemi Badenoch's remarks about sandwiches. In an interview with The Spectator, the Tory leader went on the record with gems like "lunch is for wimps", and decried sandwiches as "not real food". Always looking for opportunities to establish his authenticity, Keir Starmer rejoined, arguing that the sandwich is a "great British institution". Badenoch was later asked if she might indulge a turkey sarnie on Boxing Day, to which she replied "maybe a turkey pie". It's impossible to distinguish between silly season and the every day operation of mainstream politics.

This is another Badenoch gaffe. Though, remember, the Tory leader doesn't misspeak because she thinks carefully about everything she says. Which makes it worse. Obviously, a limp and alienating effort looking tough considering millions of people enjoy their lunch breaks as respite from the nonsense of the working day, and many of them will be chomping on sandwiches. Overpriced and misnamed "meal deals" or the lunch box with home-assembled fare is normal. Going out for a steak, like Badenoch apparently does, is not. For Starmer strategists bereft of ideas save tributing the right, Badenoch is the ghost of Christmases to come. Every time she says something, whether it's Prime Minister's Questions or in press interviews, she generously pours gifts down Labour's chimney. A Conservative leader who gives things away, what a novelty.

Have the Tories completely lost their minds? This place has long suggested that a lurch to the right isn't mad when they're in competition with an extreme right alternative that's breathing down their necks. But food wars, really? It only makes sense when you see what Reform have been up to lately. Their spokesperson for beating up women, Rupert Lowe, has has jumped on the conspiracy bandwagon about the cow feed additive, Bovear. A supplement that suppresses certain enzymes in a cows' gut to reduce methane emissions, he said he won't be consuming milk from Bovear-fed cattle because he likes it "natural". Someone give Lowe raw milk and see how he gets on. Nigel Farage followed this up with a TikTok where he attacked oat milk and skimmed milk, because they're left wing. Badenoch's attack on a lunch time staple, in this context, reads as a weird attempt at one-upping her Reform nemesis.

While this has been going on, her more significant and more sinister comments have got unremarked upon. Asked about her Nigerian origins, Badenoch said "I have nothing in common with the people from the north of the country, the Boko Haram where the Islamism is, those were our ethnic enemies and yet you end up being lumped in with those people." Perhaps she thought southern chauvinism and snobbery, transplanted from Nigeria to London/South East-centric politics, would delight the Tory base. Or felt her conference season "outburst" against "invalid cultures" required reinforcement via a bald stating her racialised antipathy to Islam. Or just the typical expression of an arrogance that speaks to her class privilege and hatred of the poor, combined with an animosity rooted in north Nigerians' rejection of and resistance to the southern-centric state. Some might be impressed, including Labour staffers who'll welcome another early present.

Have we learned anything from Badenoch's exercise in culinary cringe? Nothing new. She's reconfirmed her political flat footedness, cluelessness, and outright estrangement from the lives of millions of people. It's difficult even to see how this might turn the heads of the Reform-curious, so out there are her interventions. If she carries on as she has been doing, it's not only Starmer who'll have an easy time of it. So will Farage and his growing operation.


Anonymous said...

I am astonished at how poorly prepared Labour has been for Government. It seems the leadership team spent their time in isolating their internal enemies and factionalising and thought means of delivery would look after themselves - houses would spring up because they were willed, the economy would grow because they wanted it to, the NHS queues would disappear, green power sources would materialise.
By this time in Government in 1997 Blair and Brown has put in place the project to deliver the New Deal for young people and found the funds by taxing the profits of energy companies. Starmer and McSweeney have continued to purge their ranks, indulged in foreign jaunts and removed community protection from building speculators. Isn't governing hard. They will need Badenoch to continue to to lead a poor Opposition.

Anonymous said...

Don't you feel like you're wasting your time scrutinising Crap Enoch to this degree? Is she really even as interesting as a car crash? Is nothing else happening?

She seems to have wasted little time in fulfilling most people's expectations of her by becoming Labour's most competent political strategist. Unless she suddenly finds a clue, that's surely her role for as long as she remains in post: clown around trying ineptly to appeal to pound shop Trumpists who are already taken by Toad, and in so doing take the heat off a floundering government. How many times do you want to write that same story?

Anonymous said...

In fact, many Yoruba are Muslim, and this has been so for centuries. It somehow does not surprise me that Badenoch either genuinely does not know this or chooses to misrepresent the position in order to appeal to Islamophobic bigots. (I used to live in Nigeria.)

Phil said...

I'll keep writing about her because analysing the Tories is something I take seriously. If the left generally spent a little more time analysing the right, its personalities, and its strategies and tactics, we might have avoided some of the pain of the last 14 years.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps. But as you well know, the left's most significant setbacks over the last 14 years - the consequences of which are far from over yet - are associated with an apparent failure to properly understand their supposed "allies".

Anonymous said...

Anyone else remember this Futurama gem?

Brannigan: ... but the captain always goes down with his ship!

Kif: That's very brave of you, sir.

Brannigan: Why, you, Kif. It's very brave of you. I'm promoting you to captain.

The Starmer government's behaviour so far is worryingly consistent with a group that has won a majority, only to soon realise that they're in a position much like Kif's: handed control over a sinking, burning, looted ship, merely so that they can go down with it.

Whatever plans they had (if indeed there were any) seem to be either torn up or undergoing hasty revision.

Jon Wood said...

Why would Reform pick Rupert Lowe as spokesbod for beating up women when they have James McMurdock available?