The most popular posts last month were:
1. Far Left UK General Election 2015 Results
2. Dear Liz Kendall
3. Fear, Loathing, and the UK General Election
4. If David Miliband Had Won ...
5. The Worst Election Result Ever
I noted last month was the best ever since Google Analytics had started tracking page views for this site. No longer. April's crown was snatched by a measly few hundred votes, making May the all-time most popular thingy. So many thanks for tuning in.
Far left election results are always good for click bait, but running it close was my open letter to Liz Kendall, which went mini-viral. I like it when that happens. My election analysis, which flags up the exploitation of fear and anxiety by the Tories as one of its victory drivers cruised into third just ahead of the 'what if?' about a David Miliband-led Labour Party. And bringing up the rear is the funny, sorry, tragic tale of a TUSC candidate getting no votes.
What hidden gem(s) to pick for a retread? I'm going for two, as is my wont. First is Why the Right Fears State Power, which helps explain why they never get caught up in dilemmas about its use. Hint: it's more complex than their being capital's chosen help meet. Second is The Strange Return of the Political Party, or how parties are making a mini-comeback in the face of social trends that are simultaneously eroding them.
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