Iain Duncan Smith, the so-called quiet man who's done catastrophic harm to the position of disabled people in this country, has elected to do both. Uncharacteristically, an attempt to fund tax cuts for the well off by taking monies from payments to disabled people has gone down like a cup of cold sick. Which is interesting, considering their previous attacks have gone by with nary a murmur from outside the ranks of disability campaigners, the left, and the labour movement.
Okay, so let's look at IDS's "good reason" for resigning - the statement he's put out himself.
I am unable to watch passively whilst certain policies are enacted in order to meet the fiscal self-imposed restraints that I believe are more and more perceived as distinctly political rather than in the national economic interest.Blimey, IDS is lining up with John McDonnell and Jeremy Corbyn! Almost.
He goes on ...
Too often my team and I have been pressured in the immediate run up to a budget or fiscal event to deliver yet more reductions to the working-age benefit bill. There has been too much emphasis on money-saving exercises and not enough awareness from the Treasury, in particular, that the government's vision of a new welfare-to-work system could not be repeatedly salami-sliced.To understand where IDS is coming from, one has to step inside his head. It's scary, so come walk with me. Having previously corresponded with his ministerial office on dozens of occasions, I got the sense that IDS was acting out of ideological zeal. All of his letters would come back extolling the virtues of work, and ironic considering that IDS's prescription for others is something he's never really availed himself of. No matter. Work was the route out of poverty. Work was the route to self-respect. Work was the route to good health and mental well being - views typical of someone for whom low-paid drudgery is but a rumour. And IDS knew this better than the medical establishment and disabled people themselves. If only they could be liberated from their can't-do mindset, hundreds of thousands drawing down disability support could become fully productive citizens. It is a sick joke when you think about the fates of some unfortunate ESA recipients, but IDS absolutely, genuinely believed he was designing a social security system that would "save lives".
IDS has sat uneasily (to a degree) in Dave's cabinet. He is an ideologue who takes his twisted principles seriously. Dave and Osborne are a touch more mercurial. They are wedded to broken Tory economics, but are quite willing to ditch principle for expediency. In Wednesday's budget, Osborne was interested in shoring up a Middle England constituency ahead of the EU referendum as well as making a play for succeeding Dave. As he was prepared to give nice middle class people like me another tax cut and have disabled people pay for it, this clearly was too much for IDS. Just so Osborne was prepared - again - to throw IDS's life work under a bus, so the Quiet Man has finally returned the favour.
What about the real reason? A little bit has to do with Europe, innit? Exit is another of IDS's cracked priorities, and again must be frustrated that a number of ambitious Tories - not least the Mekon-like Sajid Javid and other heir-presumptive Theresa May - have dumped principles for position. By strengthening Osborne's association with attacks on disabled people, he's calculated that the chancellor will not pass the work capability assessment for Tory leader and the way be open to someone who's either a bit more ideological, or will allow him space for his continued misadventures in social security. If only there was an unprincipled, opportunist celebrity chancer in the running for the leadership who fits the bill.
To be sure, IDS's resignation is the biggest blow yet to Dave's leadership and the his hopes of keeping the Number 10 sofa warm for Osborne. Long may this internal warfare continue.
IDS is a politician of principal even if you may think he is wrong, a bit like Gove. Indeed, both do have quite a lot in common with JC and JM - they are equally deluded.
Your penultimate paragraph is the key. There is a massive rift in the party that is based around Europe. Duncan-Smith clearly senses that, after his outspoken attacks on Cameron's European policy, his days are numbered if the country votes to stay in. As a result, he seems to have decided to burn his bridges and resign in a manner that appears to give him some ill-deserved moral status and credibility. If we leave the EU, he'll be all set to move back into PM Johnson's cabinet.
Given Duncan-Smith's record for savage cuts to welfare and his blithe disregard for the misfortunes of the disadvantaged, it is impossible to take his resignation at all seriously as a matter of 'principle'.
Hard to fathom this one because as you say IDS seemed the most enthusiastic ideologue in the Tory party. He seemed to revel in sticking it to the weak and vulnerable. He didn't even dress up the savage attack on the poor and weak in the usual cruel to be kind lying rhetoric you get from the non deluded politicians. No IDS basically said, if they die, well they die, if they end up on the street they end up on the street.
So why he is now attacking these cuts is a mystery. If he wanted to damage the EU vote I don't see how a letter about cuts will do it to be honest. Maybe IDS was lying all along, maybe he believed his uncaring, cruel, compassionless justification for the cuts would so outrage people they would revolt against them! That obviously didn't work so he is on to plan B. Or maybe the cruel and sadistic torturer of the poor and weak is one of the Tory party's nice guys!
Incidentally speedy is like the Telegraph who never miss the opportunity to put the word mad in the same sentence as Corbyn. Standard subliminal advertising techniques which only work on the chronically stupid. But I guess that must be speedy's audience. He must love Donald Trump!
Have reblogged this at Shiraz Socialist, with a link and acknowledgement: hope that's OK Phil.
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