September's most-read five were ...
1. Lessons of the Labour Leadership Campaigns
2. A Note on Jeremy Corbyn and Panorama
3. Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Jez
4. Sociology Meets Piggate
5. Jeremy Corbyn and the European Union
If it wasn't for revelations of a porcine character, Jezmania would have made a straight sweep of this month's rankings. Though interestingly, it was the review of each of the leadership campaigns that pulled down the numbers. Proof that the (relatively) serious and long-winded can do the business when required. And this is probably how it will be forever now. Jeremy is here to stay, he'll never be out of the spotlight, and so there's always going to be a need to write about him. Perhaps I should rename the blog Critical Corbyn Studies.
What should I dredge up for a second airing? Well there's this one about UKIP and their struggle to stay relevant in the "new politics". And I think my take on the John McDonnell speech needs looking at, as practically the entire paid-for commentariat have misunderstood it.
Is there any way you can use your influence among the New labour Thatcherite Neo-liberals and pass a message onto Charles "Who the fuck is that" Clarke?
The message is:
I'm afraid I have not such hotline.
UKIP in the doldrums?
Here's a Welsh Election blog looking at the state of play of the Parties post- Corbyn.
UKIP are on 16% and look like getting 8 seats in the Welsh Assembly elections next May. Their vote has stayed firm since the General Election.
It's also been reported on the Beeb that there are tensions between some in Welsh UKIP and the UKIP GB leaders. The latter are considering sticking high profile figures like Mark Reckless and Neil Hamilton (!?!) at the top of the Regional List vote to get them into the Welsh Assembly.
Labour will probably keep control with some kind of deal with Plaid but I'd say it's very likely we'll see a very noisy UKIP in the lead up to the polls.
Not so much in the doldrums but dormant here, I'm afraid.
John R
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