
Tuesday 31 December 2019

The Most Read 20 of 2019

The curtain falls on a tumultuous year, so not one to beat about the bush let's see what the most read posts were in this corner of the internet.

1. Aaron Bastani vs Smug Centrism
2. On Lefties for Farage
3. The Genius of Dominic Cummings
4. Labour's Crisis of Decomposition
5. Is the Independent Group a Wind Up?
6. Against the New Corbyn Coup
7. The Demise of Caroline Lucas
8. After Jo Swinson
9. Theresa May and the Death of the Tory Party
10. Obsolete Politics and the Socialist Party Split
11. Why Labour Went Backwards in Stoke
12. Sympathy for Gavin Williamson
13. John Mann's Red Wash
14. Is a New Conservative Party Possible?
15. The Newport West By-Election
16. Is Politics Melting Down?
17. The Working Class Politics of Brexit
18. Finance Capital and the Conservative Party
19. Whither the One Per Centrists?
20. Labour's Crisis of Recomposition

Just like last year's list, there is a healthy showing from Labour factionalism. But its presence is by no means overweening, with a dashing of the far left and a fair display about the Conservative Party, centrism, and the Liberal Democrats making themselves known. Nice to see a bit of diversity then. Hopefully I'll be able to carry on in the same vein, but there is a book to write and a situation to get to grips with. You know, the small matter of understanding how the Tories were able to ride out the tectonics of class recomposition/decomposition better than Labour. At least in the instance of our recent election.

Once more, I don't do predicting so none will be ventured for the coming year. I expect it's bound to contain frustrations, anger, and much disappointments. Something to look forward to, then! Before we bid 2019 and the decade bon voyage, what other posts deserve another airing? Well, I'm not about to stop plugging Boris Johnson and 21st Century Class Politics, not least because it cuts through the nonsense advanced by politics profs and those determined to turn the clock back on the Labour Party. Speaking of guff, there's my review of what should properly be called Corbynism: A Cynical Approach. And one more for the road? How about a rare departure from politics. Written on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landings, it's useful to think about how governments are paving the way for capitalist expansion into the heavens.

Lastly, 2019 was a pretty rum year for all kinds of reasons. But by far the worst was the passing of my friend and colleague, Simon Speck. As a vociferous reader at this time of year he would cane the Verso sales and tip me off about what was hot and what was rot. I miss our chats and his insights so, as a new year opens and reveals its miseries and horrors, hold on to your friends, comrades, and loved ones. Every moment with them is precious.

1 comment:

  1. Phil,

    I may not be up to speed on this, but are you familiar with the book " The Rise of the Right: English Nationalism and the Transformation of
    Working Class Politics" by Simon Winslow, Steve Hall, and James Treadwell?
    The back of the book tells us; " This book aims to alter thinking about working class politics and the rise of the right-wing nationalism in the deindustrialised and decaying towns and cities of England".
    It is certainly, in my opinion, pretty prescient in light of the election result, and I wonder if you have reviewed it or given it any consideration.


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