
Monday 1 April 2019

Five Most Popular Posts in March

Wow, what a month. Brexit didn't happen, and the Tories are on the verge of a historic schism. All that said, what were the most popular posts in March?

1. Labour's Crisis of Recomposition
2. Labour's Crisis of Decomposition
3. The Far Right, the Left, and Anti-Semitism
4. Institutional Anti-Semitism and Factional Struggle
5. Chuka Umunna's Honest Politics

Brexit is rending the Tory apart, but still people's appetites for commentary on the Labour Party and its doings and surrounds encompass the rankings. Perhaps there other reasons why people don't write as much about the Tory party. Still, it's a big step up from last month where everything to do with the carcass of liberalism and centrism pulled in the numbers.

What then should get a second look from you folks? I'm going for two. March also saw this blog pass the 3,000 post milestone, so here's the commemorative piece. If you're new(ish) to the blog there's stuff listed there consisting of the highlights, if such a term could ever be applied to this outpourings of this place, from the last three years. And while I'm on a nostalgic tip, there was another anniversary too: 10 years on Twitter dot com. If you're interested in an overview of how it has changed, then this is for you.

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