
Wednesday 1 April 2020

Five Most Popular Posts in March

The month in which everything changed. But what posts tickled readers' fancies over the course of the last 31 days?

1. Meeting Coronavirus With Complacency
2. Finding Coronavirus Scapegoats
3. Dither and Delay
4. Oh Jeremy Corbyn
5. Criticising the Coronavirus Strategy

Hey 'rona, ooooh 'rona. Covid-19's certainly done a job here. Not only when it comes to determining what's hot, but also by relegating the blog to, um, definitely not. Since the start of this crisis audience figures have approximately halved. There could be three reasons for this. Either the great internet-travelling public have grown tired of my jibber-jabber, Google and/or Facebook have messed around with their algorithms again, or people are not going into work and reading it on their phones during the commute, or filling up their lunchtimes with other things now many of them are at home. It may well be a combination of all three or none of them. If you have any further insights, please share in the comments below. What it does mean though is this place is upping its game, so stay tuned.

Okay, who's getting the second chance treatment this month? As we can look forward to a new leader of the Labour Party this weekend, in all likelihood Keir Starmer, let's preview some of the super forensic and effectively oppositional effective opposition to come by looking back over his response to Coronavirus.


  1. Well, Phil, I was introduced to your great blog by the Leftlinks website, which seems to have disappeared.
    Could that explain a reduction in "footfall" as retailers would say?

  2. Probably not as by far most find their way to this site via Google, Facebook and Twitter. Either something has changed with their algorithms or the mood has shifted. It's puzzling.


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