
Saturday 2 January 2010

My Ten for Orwell

One thing I didn't mention yesterday was the attitude socialists should take toward awards and lists. I understand some on the left take umbrage at them, but as far as I'm concerned anything that can introduce socialist bloggers and socialist politics to a wider audience is a good thing. That's one reason why I haven't and won't be boycotting Iain Dale's annual poll, and why I'm submitting the following ten to the Orwell Prize for Blogging.

Without further ado:

A 'Racist' Strike? - on the outbreak of strikes at Lindsey oil refinery in late January.

Goodbye Jade - Jade Goody succumbed to cancer amid a tawdry media spectacle. This is what I thought about it.

Men of the People - while everyone was going frantic over expenses, this post takes a look at the second jobs of selected shadow cabinet members.

Marxism and Michael Jackson's Death - a Marxist look at the celebrity and demise of the King of Pop.

Daniel Hannan, the NHS and Twitter - what the Twitter storm around Daniel Hannan's attacks on the NHS say about the relationship between media and politics.

Murdoch: The Blogger's Best Friend? - I look forward to the time when Murdoch rolls out his pay walls.

Nick Clegg: Closet Socialist? - first of a two part review of Nick Clegg's pamphlet, The Liberal Moment.

Move Over Labour? - the problematic nature of the political space to Labour's left.

Porn As Ideology - is it useful to think about porn as an ideology?

The Lifespan of Political Blogs - 21 months on average, in case you're wondering ...


  1. I will enter as well, but I haven't worked out which ten yet

  2. I've decided to enter - all though I'm a little hamstrung as a fair few of my better writings were articles for Socialism Today or the Socialist and are therefore ineligable. I only tended to polish the writing style properly if I was writing for publication elsewhere, so I probably haven;t a cats chance in hell of winning

    I've picked - Commentary on Eugene V Debs article on the effects of prison labour
    I ask whether the trial of Israels leaders for war crimes that some of the anti-Gaza bombings campaigners were calling for would be a possibility.
    My account of how certain 'anti-social behaviour' policies are money spinners for companies
    My encounter with the then chief of north wales police, Richard Brunstrom
    My comments on the massive election boycott in Haiti in the summer
    I pick apart the governments announcement in the summer of its intent to build a prison to house nigerian convicts currently imprisoned in Britain
    I highlight that the mercenaries the US government is hiring to replace Blackwater with are just as unsvaoury as they are
    My take on the xmas number 1 battle
    I look at Trotsky's analysis of the Paris Commune and critique Donny Gluckstein's view of this
    I point out the BNP's statements on making public sector cuts more severe in Kirklees

    and one that i replaced with the above at the last minute
    I argue that naming and shaming should be directed at 'respectable criminals' rather than petty offenders

  3. I wouldn't worry, I know I'm not going to get anywhere either. It's a purely cynical audience-boosting exercise!

  4. Here are my ten:

  5. I have no problem with lists in themselves. Just Iain Dale's.

  6. Oops, no, here they are:

  7. Alas, if I were to win an Orwell prize for anything I've written I would have to write an angry exposé of the Orwell Prize's loss of standards.

    On the other hand, Obama won a Nobel Peace Prize, so I suppose anything can happen.

  8. Seems like a good place to plug what I wrote last year on the Orwell prize.


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