
Monday 1 November 2021

Five Most Popular Posts in October

The nights draw in and before you know it another month has vanished. To mark the passage from the old to the new, here are the five hottest pieces as determined by the viewership.

1. The Use and Abuse of David Amess
2. Why Have the Tories Cut Universal Credit?
3. On Writing for The Sun
4. Meet the New Left Challengers
5. Digging Labour's Grave

What an odd month. A Tory MP is murdered at his constituency surgery, and politicians from both sides of the Commons chose to mark his passing by calling on social media companies to end anonymity on their platforms. A display at once tasteless, shameful, and shabby, it's a wonder Amess's friends didn't attack the critics calling out their tawdry behaviour for being disrespectful. Following behind in the charts was my exploration of the politics of the UC cut and how it is entirely of a piece with Tory class war strategy. Keir Starmer makes his first of two appearances at number three looking at the issues around writing for The Sun. Fourth place is an overview of the cooperative alliance struck by the Northern Independence Party, the Breakthrough Party, and our old friend Left Unity. And last, again, is Starmer as I rant about his uselessness.

Do we have to put up with him for much longer? This is my second chance saloon piece this month, covering the means of his defenestration and who his likely successor will be. Grim. No promises, but in November I'm going to try a few longer pieces and write about something other than the latest Labour Party nonsense. Spending too much time thinking about the vacuities of the right and Starmerism runs the risk of emptying the brain of more interesting thoughts. That and basically writing the same piece over and over again. Enough establishment commentators do it already without a few hobbyist efforts adding their recycled two penneths.

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