
Thursday 21 May 2015

Behold: The Protest Oven Glove

Behold, the forces of progress and socialism were caught napping as No voters in tomorrow's equal marriage referendum in the Irish Republic take to the streets in the latest protest apparel: the oven glove.


  1. Yes, because the thing about the Catholic past is Ireland was a really super place in those days. Every child was loved and cared for, quite unlike the situation atheist scum like me have created in the present day.

    That the above is entirely false won't, of course, matter to the regular tits. And then, even more depressingly, we've got the Brendan O'Neills of this world weighing in to tell me I'm the real bigot, etc, etc.

    Mind you, there is the Velvet Underground song about Jesus tho

  2. This should be a Caption Competition.

    "We're 'oven no Gay Marriage 'ere."

    "In this vote, you 'ave to choose 'tween 'oven 'n' 'ell!"

    John R

  3. Jesus said nothing about homosexuality. You'd think if the subject was that important he'd have mentioned it.

    All those paedophile scandals have broken the grip of the Catholic Church over Ireland. Suffer the little children to come unto me...

  4. I don't think there is a socialist position on gay marriage. We can be either for or against it.

  5. Surely not Chris - socialism is about equality regardless of colour, creed or sexuality, no? In which case one should be for gay marriage... or against all marriage?!

  6. I am sure at least one UK socialist cult said there would be no reason for homosexuality after the revolution, whish one, cannot remember.

  7. That would be the Militant Tendency then!


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