
Sunday 28 December 2014

The Most Read 14 Posts of 2014

It's the quiet time, that part of the year betwixt end of term and January 2nd where nothing happens. At least as far as blogging goes, anyway. Should writers venture into print their fare is the reflective post on 2014's happenings, predictions of events to come and perhaps, just perhaps, a meditation on Christmas telly. I won't be upsetting this apple cart, it's a holiday after all. So here, just for you, are the most read posts published since the beginning of the year. In reverse order they are ...

14. Identity Politics and Intersectionality
13. Obituary: Stuart Hall
12. Managing Ed Miliband
11. Who is White Van Dan?
10. When Men's Bodies Meet Side-Saddle Trunks
9. UKIP's Lizzy Vaid and Revenge Porn
8. A Defence of the SWP
7. UKIP's Turn to the Workers
6. SWP Bullies London Black Revolutionaries
5. Top 100 Independent Tweeting Bloggers 2013
4. Top 100 Tweeting Politics Commentators 2014
3. Sharon O'Donnell and Jumping the Gun
2. The Meaning of Conchita Wurst
1. Sex, Power Play, and Trotskyism

Sex, gender subversion, and extremist politics of the left and right is what you lot seem to like. I can promise more of the same in 2015.

As always, there is some good stuff that didn't make the grade, so here they are again in the hope of attracting a few more reads. Goffman and Video Games are some rough notes on how Goffman's interactionist sociology might be useful to understand the relationship we build with video games. If I get enough time between all the other things I'm doing, I hope to work this up into a proper paper over the course of next year. My next pick is Foucault, Discipline, and Work. These are a few hazy ideas on how Foucault can be used to understand the non-existent crisis of cultures of worklessness: namely the rise in vocationalism and business-facing education across all sectors, the draconian turn social security provision has taken these last 30 years, and the general obsession with work. Last but by no means least is my sequel to number 14 on my list, Intersectionality, Class, and Capitalism. Basically, intersectional politics without the context of capital, capitalism and class is a compass without a needle. Sounds crass? Yes, but it really isn't. Go and take a look.

Right. Now that's done it's time to clean the cat's litter tray.


  1. My top post for the year is on the same subject as yours. The absurd Race Play split in the ISN.

    Lets see what madness the New Year brings"

  2. On the subject of biopolitics and work, have you read Imogen Tyler's 'Revolting Subjects'? A good use of Foucault, Kristeva and Agamben to explain neoliberalism in Britain.

  3. The batshittery will commence after the election, Howard. That should be fun.

    I haven't seen that, Evan. It's now on my reading list :)


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