
Friday 1 February 2013

Five Most Popular Posts for January

The five most read posts of the month were:

1. Natalija Belova and The Sun's Benefit Lies
2. SWP, Rape, and Revolutionary Justice
3. Where Now for the SWP?
4. SWP: Life on the Revolutionary Treadmill
5. Top 100 Independent Tweeting Bloggers

The Sun's dodgy demonisation of a not-entirely-plausible single mum living a "life of riley" on social security saw my busiest-ever day as the post went viral. By the time the clock struck midnight on the 20th, some 12,000 page views had surged through the blog. If that didn't kick the cobwebs away, nothing will. But January has really been SWP month. With National Committee this weekend and moves against the opposition underway, don't be too surprised to see more SWP-related musings in next month's top five.

And, as ever, the one post that deserves a little more love for January is Housing Benefit Cuts and Social Engineering.


  1. Well done Phil, you deserve the hits! You come across as a decent and kind person. Rather different to many blogmeisters I could name..though discretion forbids.

  2. Nothing riles the plebs like those ‘immigrants’!, well, maybe benefit cheats.

    But still keep dreamin that these people will build that socialist society!

  3. If you're so superior, why do you feel the need to anonymously but repeatedly gloat over the short comings you ascribe to 'the plebs'?


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