
Saturday 1 January 2011

My Ten for the Orwell Prize

It's new year. As blogging comrades stumble out of bed nursing aching skulls and wobbly stomachs, they're probably looking for some filler that doesn't overtax the much-abused synapses. If that's the case may I humbly recommend digging through the 2010 posting archives and selecting ten pieces for the Orwell Prize for Blogging (entry form here). Not only have you an excuse to introduce new readers to your best writing, but also you might be in with a chance of winning fame and glory. Perhaps.

Here are my selections:

Mary Daly: Death of a Feminist: A short reflection on the works of the controversial radical feminist theologian, Mary Daly.

Some Reflections on the Leaders' Debate: Back in April election coverage was dominated by the televised debate between the party leaders. This is what I thought about them.

Raoul Moat and Class Pride: How can we forget Raoul Moat, the psychotic steroid-addled killer the media turned into a folk hero? This is an examination of the sympathy Moat stirred up from some quarters.

Socialism and Space: Exactly what it says on the tin.

How Labour Can Win Again: In August Blairite think tank Demos put out a report arguing Labour lost the election because it was too left wing. This is a response to that absurd argument.

The Pope and Atheist Identity Politics: There was something deeply unsettling about the protest against the Pope's state visit to Britain. At least I thought so.

Dave and BigSoc: Dave talks an awful lot about the 'Big Society'. This post has a look at what it's all about.

Alan Johnson's "Alternative": So Ed Miliband's decision to make Alan Johnson shadow chancellor was a bit of a surprise. This is an analysis of the economic policy trajectory Johnson set out in his first speech after taking up the post.

Between Protest and Parliament: What Ed Miliband's collapse in the face of Sayeeda Warsi's letter of complaint over comments allegedly made by John McDonnell says about Labour's contradictory political position.

Tommy Sheridan: Tragedy and Farce: My take on the Tommy Sheridan trial.

I doubt I'll make the short list, let alone stand a chance of winning. The judges know a
zeitgeist when they see one and I would be very surprised if the feted face of the new generation doesn't romp home with the award. And why not? She knows how to turn a phrase. But if there is any justice the blogging prize should go to James Doleman for his excellent coverage of the Tommy Sheridan trial. For an issue divided by hard partisanship and entrenched positions James managed the tricky job of navigating the choppy waters of pro and anti-Tommy sentiment. He conveyed the tension and drama of the trial brilliantly and left the mainstream press floundering. So well done, James. Should you decide to enter I wish you the best of luck.

Interested comrades need to be aware that the competition closes to new entrants on 19th January.


  1. I've entered too; as you say I'm very unlikely to win but it's good to try and get your writing to a wider audience. Also, there's no point in dying wondering.

    Very best of luck!

  2. Thanks for the kind words, much appreciated.

  3. Dunno why you're bothering. I'm a shoe-in for this year's award. The Zeitgeist is very much the ageing, dull, provinicial elected bureaucrat this year.

    Having said that, your selection is v good. I especially liked 'Between Protest and Parliament'.

  4. 'A' piece. You pick. LOL

  5. There's nothing dull about you, Paul.

    And thanks for that, Opit - I think.


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