
Tuesday 26 June 2007

Not Dead, Just Sleeping

AVPS is having an extended summer snooze.

It will be back round about August time with a few changes here and there.

Hope you're not missing the blog much.


  1. enjoy your Summer

  2. You are missed more than you realise!

  3. Usual Anonymous, I don't know whether to feel flattered or worried. Forgive me if I read too much into it, but it does come over rather stalkerly ...

  4. Phil,

    I have just come across your blog and read your post on the CP and trade unionism. I feel what you misunderstand about the CP in the late 1960-70-80s, is that it was not a democratic centralist organization in the way the 'cpgb', swp, sp are.

    Thus there was a hell of a lot of space for individual militants to develop their own space politically. Im not saying this was a good or bad thing, but it was a fact. Where I do agree with you, is that this is a vital area for the left to analyze and if I may say so, not in a top down way that simply confirms the leaderships of the SWP and SP political position viz a viz Stalinism versus Trotskyism.


  5. Phil

    I am taking the link down from th SU blog - as our policy is only to link to active blogs.

    Let me know when you start again and I will restore it.

  6. I do agree with what you're saying Mick. What I will also say is that in my experience, militants trade unionists who are SP members have a similar kind of autonomy. For instance comrades do get together to plan interventions in union conferences and the like, but in their day to day trade union activity they pretty much do their own political thing. Whether that's good or bad I'll leave for others to judge.

    @Andy - no problem.I'll let you know when the AVPS beast wakes from its slumbers.

  7. how are you getting on with Melucci, all this social movement theory stuff seems to escape the left/greens/social movement activist!

  8. I know what you mean Derek - there was a good paper on this in Social Movement Studies a couple of years back, and it's something I'm trying to address in my research. It's like political science - how many politicians bother following the key debates in the field?

    Actually, I'm quite enjoying Melucci (am I mad?). As you'd expect I don't think he understands what Marxism and Leninism is about, but his insights on new social movements have offered up plenty of interesting lines of inquiry re: the study of socialist activists.

    Btw re: SMS, did you get my referee request email a while back? I must remember to forward you the unpublished Babylon and Beyond review.


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