
Tuesday 29 April 2014

Paul van Dyk - Crush

Exams and testing, I thought I was done with them a long time ago. And when I got the new job, well, chances are I'd be setting them. But no. 

All new academic staff at our place have to participate in the Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education programme. HE is a market and the emboldened student/consumer demands fully trained teaching staff. I can see the logic, as it happens. Anyway, no proper blogging tonight as I'm near the end of my teaching portfolio. 7,200 words done so far, 10 out of 12 competencies covered. Therefore the pearls I leave you this evening are of the musical kind. And yes, the video is creepy.


  1. wow, so creepy it's not available here in the states. that must be very creepy indeed!


  2. Out of interest, what are the 12 competencies? If it's not too much trouble.

  3. I'm not going to cut and paste 'em Mark as they're quite long. I'll see if I can dig out a link.


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