
Monday 22 March 2010

Justice for Kelly Crabtree

On Friday Kelly ‘Legs’ Crabtree was disgracefully sacked from her job as a machinist at the Underworld factory in Weatherfield. Her crime was to be duped into allowing a future partner in the business to access inside information on the company. She was publicly dismissed by owners Carla Connor and Nick Tilsley (the beneficiary of the inside information) without any regard to employment law or recognised personnel practice. Carla Connor is well-known for her bullying attitude and Dickensian treatment of the staff in her sweatshop. There is no union recognition in the factory and Connor can therefore exploit her workers with impunity.

The local trades council has promised to fight Kelly’s case. Please send messages of support and donations to the fighting fund to –

Justice for Kelly Crabtree,
Weatherfield Trades Council
C/O The Rovers Return
Coronation Street


  1. She likes her make-up don't she?


  2. I am not sure about the lack of union recognition. Certainly in the past Janice has threatened to 'go to the union' over management's behaviour. And only a few years ago the workforce staged a wildcat strike in support of a sacked colleague (I think).

    It may not be coincidence that on that occasion it was Kelly who scabbed, yet this time there was no solidarity action in support of her...

  3. She has my total support - victory to comrade Kelly Crabtree!

  4. Be nice to see the machines running now and again

  5. A scab? Oh dear. Still, the trade union movement can be very forgiving ...

  6. I don't know what she is doing working in a factory, from her photo she could easily be a model, or even an actress.

  7. If required, I would represent Kelly free of charge. I am sure my 17 years experience at the ET would be handy. Jo. Email me:

  8. Thanks for this, Jo.

    It seems that Kelly was very upset that her workmates didn't walk out in sympathy over her sacking, and has left the area in a strop.

    Maybe her arbitrary treatment by managrement has radicalised her and she has joined the picket line at Heathrow?


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